Desafío: Winter is for the Birds

Winter in Arizona is a great time to spot our many feathered visitors. Complete one task by taking a walk, birdwatching or picking up some information about birds.

Al completar 1 tarea, recibira 10 puntos y una medalla.

Blue heron on a small pond, flying hawk, quail family, cactus wren on a cactus and road runner, in a desert background.

Take a walk in your neighborhood and see how many different kinds of birds you can find.

Visit the Gilbert Riparian Preserve or take a hike on any nature trail.

Look in your own backyard and count the different kinds of birds.

Go to Hoopla for some birding resources.

Read Amy Tan's new book The Backyard Bird Chronicles (also available on Libby).

Read any issue of Birds and Bloom. Available electronically on Libby and Flipster.

Or visit one of these branches for a copy to read and check out: El Mirage (El Mirage), Fountain Hills (Fountain Hills), Perry Library (Gilbert), or Southeast Regional Library (Gilbert).

Use or download a birding identification application on your phone or computer.

Set up a birdfeeder in your own yard.

Draw a picture of a bird from your own back yard or anywhere in nature you see.