Desafío: Mindful Moments

Pick one of these titles sure to help you relax and be mindful. Earn 10 points and a badge!

Al completar 1 tarea, recibira 10 puntos y una medalla.

woman sitting cross legged holding a hot drink

Crochet yourself to calmness with these 35 bright and beautiful designs.

Or try any other crochet craft book to calm the mind!

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The Anxiety Healer's Guide In this workbook, Seponara shares practical, natural, on-the-go solutions for combating anxiety.

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The book of ichigo ichie : the art of making the most of every moment, the Japanese way

Learn to make every moment a once-in-a-lifetime experience with this definitive guide to the Japanese art of ichigo ichie (pronounced itchy-GO itchy-A)

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Radical compassion : learning to love yourself and your world with the practice of RAIN

In this heartfelt and deeply practical book, she offers an antidote: an easy-to-learn four-step meditation that quickly loosens the grip of difficult emotions and limiting beliefs.

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Mindful games : sharing mindfulness and meditation with children, teens, and families

Encourages parents to use mindful play to help their children develop focusing skills while learning to regulate their emotions and respond to any situation calmly, with kindness and compassion.

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Have a cup of tea and check out a book about tea, try one of these: